Screening mayhem and success… entering the distribution game… broke again and other miscellaneous travails…
(Lots of screening pics at end of post…)
I finally have two seconds to send out an update. Actually, I don’t have two seconds, but you deserve an update anyway! I will write this in reverse chronological order, as any good time-bending franchise must do from time to time.
–45 DAYS AFTER SCREENING (now–Saturday, Oct 1): Wrote this post. Racing to finish new movie trailer–to fuel buzz and attract more distributors. Then to finish screener and send to distribs.
–45 DAYS AFTER SCREENING (now): Still doing greenscreens and other vfx polishing. Endless hours of rotoscoping.
–40 DAYS AFTER SCREENING: Awesome futuristic matte painting (the shot out the circular window) finally underway. Should be ready to shoot in a couple weeks.
–4 WEEKS AFTER SCREENING: Foreseen and unforeseen challenges combine and we’re out of $$ once again, with final post expenses adding up to towering heights. Weight of doom back on the job.
–3 WEEKS AFTER SCREENING: Meet with distributor very interested in 95ers. Also wants screener.
–WEEK AFTER SCREENING: Begin greenscreen compositing and other vfx not done for screening.
–A FEW MORE DAYS AFTER SCREENING: Got some great distribution advice and offers of help from some very cool Hollywood gents.
–A FEW MORE DAYS AFTER SCREENING: Successful indie filmmaker and seller-of-films wants screener.
–A FEW DAYS AFTER SCREENING: Movie rep out of San Fran asks to take movie to American Film Market. Is patiently awaiting screener.
–MORNING AFTER SCREENING: Go to day job. Work around clock for next week at day job.
–AFTER SCREENING: Hugs and kisses all around. Stunningly positive feedback, even from tough critics. Weight of doom takes a break.
–IMMEDIATELY AFTER SCREENING: Successful foreign markets distributor gives very generous congratulations and asks for screener as soon as it’s ready.
–SCREENING: Great energy in the room. Movie looks and sounds super. People laughing and ooing all at the right times. Weight of doom lifting.
–5 MINS BEFORE SCREENING: I do my best to give a little thank you speech–and bring back the 80’s with my feathered hair and purple shirt. (Honestly, I was so happy and grateful to see so many friends and family and fans and cast/crew members from all over–even from overseas! It was wonderful.) At the same time, fabulous friends take care of technical difficulties, and hook my computer into the theater projector.
–15 MINS BEFORE SCREENING: I miss the turn-off to get to theater.
–30-MINS BEFORE SCREENING: Standup comedian Mike Guido keeps the crowd happy during delays.
–AN HOUR BEFORE SCREENING: Ludicrous technical difficulties force me to abandon creating movie file for screening, and instead pack up my entire editing system
–A FEW HOURS BEFORE SCREENING: Frantically trying to finish a few more vfx shots for screening.
–4 HOURS BEFORE SCREENING: Colorist delivers final colored video files.
–THE MORNING BEFORE SCREENING: Download final audio for screening.
–NIGHT BEFORE SCREENING: Nervous breakdowns occurred at my house. We’re thinking screening will be a disaster. The weight of doom descends upon us.
–FOR 4+ YEARS: Seemingly insurmountable obstacles appear every couple months. A constant and bloody battle. But tons of support from wonderful people.
–MORE THAN 4 YEARS BEFORE SCREENING: Set out to make a sci-fi indie movie.
–MORE THAN 10 YEARS BEFORE SCREENING: Bro James and I create awesome sci-fi universe.
Actors, supporters, time travelers.
Lovely and hyper-talented ladies.
The crowd gathers.
Something strange about this pic. :)
What a cast! Though we're missing a handful in this pic.
Anne and Ali and Clark and awesomeness.
More supersonic power.
The Dads.
Ian, Alix, Chris: tripple coolness.
Multigenerational talent.
Crazy fans.